About Us
Our Vision
To conduct Australia’s premier Eisteddfod, promoting and encouraging participation, enjoyment and enrichment through the performing arts.
We are welcoming, professional and respectful.
We provide opportunities for performers to develop and flourish.
We are inclusive and embrace diversity.
We act with honesty and integrity.
We are committed to excellence.

The Royal South Street Society is Australia’s oldest and longest running Eisteddfod, first established in 1891. Since then, over one million aspiring performing artists have had the opportunity to shine on the Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod stage.
Untold thousands of performing artists have left a little piece of their heart in Ballarat. They have shared a moment of history with the likes of James Scullin, Alfred Deakin, Mary Grant Bruce, Amy Castles, Joan Kirner, Denise Drysdale, Betty Pounder, David Atkins, Robert Lemke, Dame Kiri Te Kanawa, Anthony Callea and more.
The Society was granted ‘Royal’ status by the Queen in 1962 for services to the community and has since been honoured with many community service awards. The Royal South Street Society also helped develop national copyright protocols for eisteddfods and established the Australian Eisteddfod Association.
Ballarat Eisteddfod
The Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod currently runs throughout June to October each year. The Eisteddfod includes 11 theatrical disciplines of voice, music, and movements, providing some 40,000+ on-stage performance opportunities for artists from all over Australia and is conducted in quality venues throughout the Ballarat region, including the stunning historical Her Majesty’s Theatre, The Ballarat Mechanics Institute, ACU Connors Hall and more.
The Royal South Street Society is overseen by a volunteer Board, A small office team organise and promote the annual Eisteddfod, assisted by up to 200 volunteers as Discipline Chairs, committee members, ushers, security, writers, timers, back-stage crew, stage managers, and MCs.

The Royal South Street Society is a not-for-profit organisation. The charges for entry and admission only cover 50% of production costs. We are extremely grateful for the additional funding that comes from generous sponsors, businesses, local and state government, individuals and families, committees, and volunteers.
As well as major sponsors, many individuals, alumni, families and organisations support sections and disciplines aligned to their personal choice and passions. You too, can join our supporter's community!
Our 2024 Supporters
Gold Crown Supporters
ACU – Australian Catholic University
City of Ballarat
Andrew Cochrane
Creative Victoria
Freemasons Foundation Victoria
Ingenia Lifestyle
Silver Crown Supporters
ACF - Australian Calisthenics Federation
Astec Equipment Services
Ballarat Mechanics Institute
Bernie’s Music Land
Isabella Foundation
SBN – School Broadcasting Network
UFS Healthcare
Bronze Crown Supporters
Central Highlands Water
Norma Clark Memorial Fund
Countpro Pty Ltd
Couture Costume Dancewear
D’Addario Australia Pty Ltd
Federation University
Henkell Brothers
Mulcahy & Co
Opening Nights Dance & Calisthenics Supplies
Petera Clamp Estate
Scholarship Supporters
Australian Ballet School
Australian Classical Grand Prix
Ballarat Dance Awards
Sally Bourne
Hoffa Studios
MOPAC – Ministry of Performing Arts College
SCIMM. Dance
Transit Dance
WAAPA – Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts
Western Ballet Project
Encore Supporters
Ballarat Jazz Club
BLOC Music Theatre Inc
Marilyn Bradford
Lorayne Branch
Andrea and Justin Brown
Buninyong/Mt Helen Lions Club
Caine Real Estate
Cash’s Awards and Promotion Solutions
Clifton Old Collegians
Field Air
Fishwick Family
Julie Fox and Helen Barclay
Hecho En Mexico
M&L McLean Cleaning Services
Mortgage Choice
Newington Physiotherapy
The Piano Bar
Rotary Club of Ballarat East
Sovereign Press
STEMS Flower Market
Victorian Dance Festival
Williams Family

Champion Supporters
APATA – Australian Performing Arts Teachers Association
Ascet Digital
Coltman Family
Flying horse Entertainment Venue
Frank Robertson Smith Scholarship Fund
Robert Matthews
Mercure Hotel and Convention Centre
Victorian Opera
Victorian Flair
K&A Young Trust
Spotlight Supporters
Adam Lindsay Gordon Memorial Trust
ANATS Victorian Chapter
Robyn Antoine and the Enduring Classics Singing Group
ASCA – Australian Society of Calisthenics
Ballarat Allied Health
Ballarat Arts Foundation
Ballarat Ballet Guild
Ballarat National Theatre
Ballarat Vocal Studio
BCMA – Ballarat Centre of Music and the Arts
Birmingham Farm
Dr Calvin Bowman
TE Byrne Memorial Fund
Carpenter Family
Carwen Calisthenics
Dr Tony Cole
CommDance – Commonwealth Society of Teachers of Dancing
Coward Lemke School of Music
Dance Around the World
Tim and Liz Gay
Elsie Morrison Trust Fund
Ron and Dawn Harrington
Chris Gardner
Homeground Café & Bakery
WS Hooper Trust
Ivy Keats Memorial Fund
Margery James Trust
Jayde Calisthenics College
Lindsay & Karen Eaton
Loretta Kaval
Brian McInnes
Nicholas McMahon
Lillian Monk Trust
Monica Morgan Trust
Mr & Mrs R Morgan
Nerrina Progress Association
Oaktree Dental
One Life Health Group
Veronica O’Hehir
Reed Family
Rotary Club of Ballarat South
Tim Ryan
Anita Stapp
The Shine Centre
Tunstall Square Calisthenics
Sallyanne Vawdrey Memorial Fund
William Morrell Memorial Fund
Zonta Club of Ballarat
Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
The Royal South Street Society is a Child Safe organisation.
We are committed to child safety; we have zero tolerance for child abuse along with a commitment to children’s best interests and keeping them safe. We actively work to listen to and empower children who perform at our Eisteddfod.
For further information contact Royal South Street Society Child Safety Officer on 5332 1054.
All children have the right to feel safe and to be safe all of the time.

Creative Victoria - Eisteddfod Grants
Creative Victoria works with eisteddfod organisation Royal South Street Society (RSSS) to support eisteddfods across Victoria through an annual grants program. Local eisteddfods across Victoria can apply via RSSS for a grant to support the cost of engaging professional adjudicators for their competitions.
The Victorian Government’s support through Creative Victoria is currently $400,000 for the 1st Jan 2020 to the 31st December 2023 for Victorian Regional Eisteddfods. RSSS receives the funds and distributes as per the approved funding schedule each year.
Ron Harrington, RSSS Board member and AESA Secretary, administers the grants on behalf of RSSS.
For more information, please email finance@royalsouthstreet.com.au