Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod

The annual Eisteddfod stage is a nurturing platform for artistic growth, where performers can develop their talents and flourish in the spotlight, or simply develop a love and appreciation for the performing arts.

What will you perform on our stage this year? 


2024 Dates


June 15 Calisthenics Solo Auditions

June 16 Graceful Solo Auditions


Sep 01 Celebrating Chopin

Sep 03 - 06 Choral

Sep 07 - 12 Bands / Instrumental

Sep 21 - 31 Dance


Jul 22 - 26 Debating

(Debating Finals scheduled for: Semi Final - 06 August and Grand Final - 13 August)


Oct 01 - 04 Dance

Oct 12 - 31 Calisthenics


Aug 06 - 09 Pianoforte

Aug 12 - 17 Vocal

Aug 19 - 23 Speech and Drama

Aug 31 Celebrating Chopin

Dates may be subject to slight change pending entries.


Enter Entries for 2024 Open on 1st March

Our Eisteddfod comprises many different disciplines presented throughout the year.

Each discipline has its own:

  • Process for Entry
  • Rules and Guidelines
  • Entry requirements and deadlines

Please refer to each specific Discipline on the ENTER menu for current important details.


Frequently Asked Questions

The Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod

Entering the Eisteddfod

Participating in the Eisteddfod

Prizes and Critiques/Feedback

Photography and Videography

RSSS Volunteers



The Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod is the country's oldest running Eisteddfod and home to Australia’s rising stars.

The annual Eisteddfod stage is a nurturing platform for artistic growth, where performers can develop their talents and flourish in the spotlight, or simply develop a love and appreciation for the performing arts.



Julie Fox, Jason Wasley and Joe Appleton providing a wonderful insight into the value of attending, supporting and promoting Royal South Street Society

St Patrick's Scholarships

St Patrick’s Cathedral $1000 scholarship for singers

Choral Festival

Ballarat Choral Festival – Sunday July 28

20231023 154718

Larinda Calisthenics College – Winners of the 2023 Harrington Overall Aggregate Trophy

Judy Ann

Enriching Lives and Communities Through the Performing Arts

Estella Breen 3226

Estella Breen – Winner of the 2023 Theatrical Championship Solo


Explore our history through the decades

The Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod stands as Australia’s preeminent Eisteddfod, boasting an illustrious heritage of delivering outstanding performance opportunities for over a century, commencing in 1891. Our enduring commitment to fostering and showcasing talent places us at the pinnacle of the Australian cultural and artistic landscape.



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