Enter Entries Closed
2024 Competition dates:
Solo Auditions
Calisthenics - Saturday 15 June from 1pm
Graceful - Sunday 16 June from 12.20pm
Solo Finals
Calisthenics - Friday 11 October 6.30pm
Graceful - Saturday 12 October 6.30pm
11 October - 30 October
Venue: Founders Theatre, Mt Helen
Calisthenics clubs throughout Australia are welcome to enter teams into the Royal South Street Society Australian Calisthenics Competition.
In 2024 we celebrate 100 years of Graceful Solo! We hope to be able to showcase this wonderful event and the Calisthenics Solo Final at the newly renovated Her Majesty's Theatre.
See below for more information about the centenary of the Graceful Solo....
We have partnered with myStage to create an innovative competition management system that helps our volunteers and staff run a smooth event. Lighting sheets, music files and DLPs can all be uploaded in preparation for your competition.
A myStage account is required.
Australian Calisthenics Competition
Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod’s Australian Calisthenics Competition commenced in 1903 and today is one of the largest competitions in the country. The Eisteddfod has hosted competing clubs from WA, SA, NSW, ACT, QLD and of course Victoria.
Our Eisteddfod platform offers a unique chance for personal and team growth and improvement and showcases the unique combination of dancing, singing, gymnastics, technical and leaderships skills that Calisthenics nurtures through friendship and teamwork.
In 2025 we will be excited to return to the beautiful Her Majesty's Theatre stage for the Australian Calisthenics Competition. We look forward to once again seeing the vibrant calisthenics teams throughout the city of Ballarat!
100 Years of Graceful Solo
In 2024 the Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod Calisthenics Graceful Solo will proudly celebrate 100 years! This event will be widely celebrated and we invite you to join us!
Royal South Street Society has hosted the most prestigious calisthenics competition in Australia since 1903 and continues to be a major supporter and promoter of calisthenics development in this country. In 1924, Royal South Street Society introduced the inaugural Graceful Girl Solo and the section has become synonymous as the most presitigious event in the Eisteddfod calendar.
Proudly celebrating 100 years of Graceful Solo in 2024, it is still the most esteemed calisthenics solo competition in Australia.
Keep your eye on our website for further information...
"My advice for anyone dreaming of entering this incredible competition would be to continue to believe in yourself. We must remember things won't always go our way but that is not a reason to give up. Continue fighting for your dreams and do it for yourself. Enjoy every moment of it, because you never know when it will end. Solos are made special by how you perform it and the heart and soul you show to the audience. Dream the impossible and speak into existence." Honoria Roffey 2022 winner
The winner of the 2023 Peace & Quiet Graceful Solo was Elyse Pavan
Learn more about the Calisthenics discipline from our collection of stories, historical records and media....
Explore our history timeline
The calisthenics discipline was first included in the eisteddfod in 1903 and is currently the discipline that attracts the most amount of participants.