A few minutes with Angeline Cray in 2020
2019 Peace & Quiet Graceful Girl winner – Angeline Cray from Jeaden Calisthenics Club
1. How have you kept positive and active through 2020?
I have kept positive and active through 2020 by going on relaxing walks admiring nature, trail bike riding with my husband and staying connected with my family and friends.
2. Are you still competing in team calisthenics? If so, how has 2020 impacted your training?
I am still competing in calisthenics with my team.
You would think that calisthenics would stop due to a global pandemic, nope. Our usual training was affected by restrictions so classes commenced virtually.
3. What club are you from?
Jeaden Calisthenics College
4. What was it like to win the prestigious Peace & Quiet Graceful Girl Competition?
After many years of hard work, resilience, persistence and determination it was an amazing and surreal feeling to have won, a once in a lifetime opportunity. The next day there was a sense of sadness because I knew that I wouldn’t be performing in solos on that stage ever again.
5. What advice would you have for other girls competing in Peace & Quiet Graceful Girl Competition?
Let your strengths differentiate you, don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, enjoy every moment on the stage, show genuine emotion and perform from within, and most importantly believe in yourself.
6. What is your favourite memory at Royal South Street Society?
I have so many favourite memories at RSSS but the main two are my first and last memories of solos at her majesty’s theatre, the incredible feeling I got when I stepped out on her majesty’s theatre for my very first solo as a senior in 2013 and winning both RSSS solos in 2019.
These are memories I will cherish forever. I will forever be grateful to the RSSS for making this honour possible.
7. What do you love most about calisthenics?
I love that you have the ability to take someone on a journey, and to tell a story through a single performance. I love and appreciate the lifelong friendships made, the fact that you can always challenge yourself and keep fit and healthy whilst having fun. I love the fact that as a coach, I can now pass my knowledge on to my students to help and watch them grow as their own individual performer and give back to the calisthenics community.