Kaitlyn Handreck first had a go at debating in Grade 5 when she was a student at Dana St Primary School! She was one of those brave young people who are curious and willing to give something new a go! Little did she know that she would really like it and would go on to learn, practice and perfect her skills for the next seven years! Kaitlyn attended Damascus College and continued debating on the Royal South Street Society Eisteddfod stage right through until she graduated in 2023.
Kaitlyn remembers dropping her cue cards in her first debate…proving that everyone has to start somewhere, and things do not always go to plan! But she did not give up!
Kaitlyn shared that learning to debate helped build up her confidence as she progressed through the senior years of secondary school. She now realises the immense value of being confident to speak up and to articulate your side of an argument without offending people.
Kaitlyn is now completing a Bachelor of Commerce at Deakin University and was invited back to the 2024 Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod for her first time as an adjudicator. Kaitlyn thrived in the role of debating adjudicator, being able to provide supportive and constructive feedback to all participants, with a great understanding of what it is like to be in the shoes of the students, from first time competitor, to polished senior performer.
Kaitlyn highly recommends debating to schools and students and wants to encourage many more students to give debating a go!