Wendy has been involved in Calisthenics for most of her life. She first started as a young 3-year-old at the Ballarat Calisthenic College and continue their as a student, and Assistant coach for 16 years. Wendy has fond memories of competing at Royal South Street at Her Majesty’s Theatre, as well as the Civic Hall. Royal South Street was a highlight of her Calisthenic calendar as it still is 47 years later.
In 1990, Wendy and her sisters formed Jayde Calisthenic Club where she is a Principal Coach. She now continues to support RSSS bringing her own team to compete at the Prestige competitions. Royal South Street has always been the pinnacle of our season and we look forward to the competitions each year.
Wendy received her coaching accreditation in 1988 and is currently working towards obtaining her Level 2 coaching accreditation.
In 1999 and 2003, Wendy coached the Victorian Sub-Junior State Teams who went on to win the National Championships.
Wendy is an accredited Calisthenic adjudicator, travelling all over Victoria to adjudicate both solo and team competitions. She has always been a role model to cadet coaches within the club and supports her coaching team to achieve the best possible outcomes for their students.
Wendy is very proud of the achievements the club has already made over the past 31 years and continues to strive towards making Jayde Calisthenic Club a successful and family friendly environment