With television bringing the Olympics to the nation, South Street expands its reach into homes across the state, as BTV 6 televises the second half of the Prize Winners Concert.…

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Royal South Street Society is granted “Royal” status for services to the community. Squadron leader Hicks of the RAF Band offers to bring his band to Ballarat to provide a…

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The Mackay Junior Choral Society travels 2,000 miles to win the Juvenile Choral Contest and win the hearts of local audiences. The members endeared themselves to their hosts with their…

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New Zealand entrants cross the puddle and successfully compete in the vocal sections by winning the Sun Aria in ’64, ’65 and ’66. The Manawatu Society of Registered Music Teachers…

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Royal South Street purchases Her Majesty’s Theatre at a cost of 32,500 pounds through the support of Ballarat businessmen and the State Government. Renamed The Memorial Theatre, it becomes the home…

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A Grand Inaugural concert is held at the Memorial Theatre and attended by Sir Henry and Lady Bolte, who present a cheque of $38,000 to match funds raised by the…

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Major top to bottom alterations are undertaken to the theatre including a new front curtain, stage lighting, drapes, heating, carpets, parapets and roof.

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Mr A W Steane, who was instrumental in forming the Calisthenics Section in 1903 dies aged 93 and Sovereign Hill opens in Ballarat showcasing Australia and the region’s remarkable goldrush…

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Sovereign Hill sponsors a $500 prize for an Old Time Concert Party with contestants to provide “Continuous entertainment of Old Time Music, Dancing, Comedy, Minstrels, Melodrama, Novelty, Quartettes, Magic, Juggling,…

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Deputy Premier, Lindsay Thompson attends a special dinner to celebrate the Sun Aria’s 50th anniversary, while The Most Graceful Physical Culture Girl Contest also celebrates half a century of competition. Cyclone Tracy…

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