All of us at Royal South Street Society are very excited by the potential and possibilities that lie ahead for our performing arts community via Ballarat Performing Arts Centre at the former Neil St Church site.

BPAC have announced their success in receiving funding through the Community Bank Buninyong, who are supporting the goals and vision of BPAC to provide facilities for performing arts communities in Ballarat.

Beth Lamont, the secretary of BPAC, told Tim Bottams from Ballarat Times

Many, many benefits will stem from this. Not only will it provide a physical space but it will provide opportunities for getting together, collaborating, and conversing between our groups.

The most crucial benefit is having the space to rehearse and perform, especially for smaller groups who can’t physically fill up Civic Hall or Her Maj and need somewhere to start up.

This is a space that will be available all the time specifically for performing arts.

The location holds three churches, one of which was build in 1861. Plans are underway to upgrade the staging and maintain the lovely wooden artefacts.

Ballarat Performing Arts Centre

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