
Enter Entries open March 01 to April 30

2025 ACU Debating Challenge Cup competition dates: 

  • Heats - Monday 04 to Friday 08 August 
  • Semi Final - Tuesday 19 August
  • Final - 26 August (PM) 

Venue: Connors Hall, ACU, Mair St, Ballarat

Our adjudicators for 2025 are

Year 5/6 - Deborah Marshall

Year 7/8 - Kaitlyn Handreck

Year 9/10 - Deborah Marshall

Yer 11/12 - Rebbecca Grime 

We have partnered with MyStage eisteddfod management system for entries and event management. 

A MyStage account is required to enter.

ACU Debating Challenge Cup

From the formal society debaters of the past to the proud and confident young public speakers of today! The Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod, ACU Debating Challenge, empowers young people to flourish.

Debates, Essays, Elocution, Readings, Lectures and Recitations formed an integral part of the South Street Young Men’s General Debating Society when it was first established on 10 July 1879.  The Society met every Friday night to indulge their passion for debating literary and musical items and these quickly became a central focus for South Street’s first Eisteddfod, which took place in 1891.  Fred Barrow won the first debate, ‘Should the Government interfere with the hours of labor’.  Through the 1920’s and 30’s topics tended to feature the political and social issues of the day.

Given the popularity of debating and impromptu speeches – with several of our future Prime Ministers including Alfred Deakin and James Scullin, the Society’s most vibrant supporters – it was surprising to see debating deleted from the 1940 competitions.  It made a triumphant return in 1977.

From then debating continued to grow and was further strengthened with the introduction of a Primary School Section in 2002.  The Australian Catholic University commenced its association with the Debating Section in 2015, creating the ACU Debating Challenge Cup.  The associated was continued in 2018 when the arrangement was renewed for a further 3 years.  That year also saw the event hosted at ACU Connors Hall, which is a magnificent venue.  Hosting the event at Connors Hall also gives both primary and secondary students the opportunity to visit the ACU Ballarat Campus.

The Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod, ACU Debating Challenge Cup now hosts around 80 teams and 300 competitors annually from all public, private and Catholic schools across the region.

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Learn more about the Debating discipline from our collection of stories, historical records and media....

John Stapp

John Stapp

2015 12 03 10 38 12 0130 Ammended 768x1024

Happy Birthday Debating


Explore our history timeline

Debates, Essays, Elocution, Readings, Lectures and Recitations formed an integral part of the South Street Young Men’s General Debating Society when it was first established on 10 July 1879.


The first Grand Annual Competition is held in Ballarat at the Skipton Hall under the auspices of the South Street Young Men’s Debating Society and attracts 260 entries competing in music, poetry, elocution, essay and debating. Prizes worth 63 pounds were presented by the Governor of Victoria, Lord Hopetoun and future Prime Minister, Alfred Deakin.


South Street celebrates its 50th year of competitions and for the first time in many years the “house full” sign is posted outside the Alfred Hall when the final night of the Calisthenics is held. Debating is deleted for the first time from the competitions, not to return until 1997.

The first busts to make up the Prime Ministers Avenue in Ballarat are unveiled including Australia’s first Prime Minister, Edmund Barton.

The Sun News agrees to hold the Semi Final of the Sun Aria in Ballarat with first prize worth 130 guineas, second prize 30 guineas and third prize 20 guineas.