2023 was an incredible year for Larinda Calisthenics College which was topped off with receiving the Harrington Overall Aggregate trophy at Royal South Street Society. It was such an honour to receive this trophy with so many of our family, friends and supporters watching on.
Every year we look forward to taking our teams to Royal South Street Society and 2023 was no different. Last year we were fortunate enough to be able to take 5 of our teams along and lucky enough to come home with 3 aggregate trophies and a reserve aggregate, as well as some PB performances and a whole lot of fun. Our Sub Juniors even managed to place 1st for all of their items which was an impressive feat.
Every member of our growing coaching and assisting team, was able to participate in Royal South Street last year either as a coach or performer (Or both!) making this achievement even more special to our Larinda family.
Royal South Street Society has always been such a friendly and enjoyable competition and the perfect way to end our calisthenics season each year for many of our teams.
We look forward to continuing to bring our pupils to this competition for many years to come and can’t wait to see what we can do in 2024!!