At the 2023 AGM held on Wednesday 17 April, there were four very special people recognised for their outstanding volunteer service to the Royal South Street Society. Dawn and Ron Harrington OAM, Dr Tony Cole and Peter Zala.

Few people will ever contribute this many years of volunteer service to any one organisation, however we are privileged to have four extraordinary individuals who have given much of their life to the Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod. They have lived and breathed the mission of this organisation to promote and encourage participation, enjoyment and enrichment through the performing arts.

For Peter Zala, his contribution to RSSS first began back in 1979! Peter was a member of Council from 1979 to 1983 before moving away for a few years. On his return to Ballarat Peter became a member of the Council once again from 1989 to 2022. He was elected Vice-President between 2011 and 2012, Deputy Chair in 2015, Chair from 2016 – 2021 and Deputy Chair again in 2022 before stepping down from the Board.

Peter Zala has also been Discipline Chair of many sections throughout the 40 plus years of his involvement with Royal South Street Society, with a particular interest in instrumental and vocal disciplines.

A regular MC and presenter of trophies and awards on stage, he will be a familiar face to so many. We can all be thankful for the incredible passion and contribution to the performing arts that Peter Zala has given to the Royal South Street Society Ballarat Eisteddfod, and indeed to the culture and enrichment of our community.

Thank you Peter!

Peter Zala Deputy Chairman

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